Transport of mobile homes to the client's destination


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3m Width 3.7m Width 4m Width
Note: The simulated price has an estimated value, as the route shown does not always overlap with the route indicated by the authority responsible for managing oversized transports. For clarification in this regard, do not hesitate to contact us.

ROT RESORT provides its customers with the transport service to the location. You don’t have to worry if you want to deliver your mobile home abroad, because we are prepared for this as well.

The tariff for the transport service is calculated as follows:

  • 1.5 Euro/km charged round-trip+ VAT for houses of 3 meters wide

The minimum cost charged for transporting a mobile house is 300 Euro + VAT.

  • 2 Euro/km charged round-trip+ VAT for houses with a width starting from 3.7 meters.

The minimum cost charged for transporting a mobile house of 3.7 meters wide is 400 Euro + VAT.

For longer distances or personalized offers, do not hesitate to contact us.

If you want to take care of the transport of the purchased mobile home, we would like to inform you that the transport of the mobile homes is done on the trailer and is oversized.

Unloading is quick and easy, no crane is required, the houses can be lowered from the trailer on their own wheels. After unloading they can be moved over short distances, featuring a chassis, spit and its own axle.

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